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There are two kinds of admissions to Slade.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Admissions are for those children starting school for the first time in Reception Year and In Year Admissions, which happen once a child has already started school and there is a desire or need to transfer schools, or is new to the UK and is of school age. 

Both of these are described in full below.  If you have any questions, please contact us using the email address

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Admissions

​​​We offer 60 places in our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS, or 'Year R') for new admissions (this is our Published Admissions Number). These places will be allocated by our admissions authority, Kent County Council, in accordance with the following criteria (in order of priority):
  1. Children in Local Authority Care
  2. Current Family Associations (siblings)
  3. Health and Special Access reasons
  4. Nearness of children's homes to school


EYFS Applications for September 2025

If you have a child who was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 you will be planning to make your application for them to start primary school in September 2025.

Applications are made via the Kent County Council website. The application window opens on Tuesday 5 November before closing on Wednesday 15 January.  More information and a direct link to the application portal can be found here:

Slade will be holding open events with a chance to find out all about our school, as well as time to tour the school asking questions of staff and children alike, in order to make a fully informed choice about your primary school choices. 

Entry to these events will be by booking online only; please complete the quick form behind the link on the date you wish to attend below, and we will be in touch shortly with more details.

The open events will be held on:

Wednesday 13 November (09:15 - 11:00) Book your space here:

Wednesday 20 November (09:15 - 11:00) Book your space here:

We have capacity for 90 visitors at each of these events.



Useful links



In-Year Admissions

If you are looking to transfer your child from another primary school, please complete an in year admissions form and submit this directly to us. Slade Primary School applies the admissions criteria laid out by Kent County Council as described above in the EYFS Admissions section.  Please click on the link below to find out more information about the criteria and for links to the application form required.

Please email your completed application form via our dedicated admissions email

Useful links:


Visiting the School

For parents interested in joining Slade as an In Year transfer, we are unable to satisfy demand for tours before such time that an offer of a place has become available.  Once this is the case, we will invite you in for a full 1-2-1 family tour before making up your mind whether to accept the place or not. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When should I apply for a place for my child?

Children start school when they are 4 rising 5 and all applications should be made via the Kent County Council in the year preceding their 5th birthday. 

For example: Children who are born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 need to apply in the application window which opens in November 2023 through to the closing date in mid January 2024 for admission to school in September 2024.    

2. Can I put my name down on a waiting list now for a place for reception?

Slade Primary School does not keep a reception waiting list or expression of interest list.

3. What is your catchment area? 

There is no official 'catchment area'.  We fill our spaces using the criteria mentioned above - with the vast majority of spaces being filled by those living closest to the school (criteria 4).  Although a set distance does not guarantee a successful application, and as a guide only from the last two years, the furthest distance from the school to gain a place under this criteria has been 1.3 Kilometres.

4. How are children allocated to a class when they start school?

Children are divided up into two classes in order of date of birth.  We attempt, where possible to provide classes with an equal number of boys to girls, additional educational needs and other factors that will allow for a balanced year group.  

5. What provision do you have out of school hours?

We have limited spaces wraparound provision at Slade for Breakfast Club, starting at 07:30 and for After School Club finishing at 17:30.  Further details can be obtained on the relevant page on this website or by contacting