Attendance and Punctuality
At Slade School we recognise the positive link between regular attendance, punctuality and high academic achievement. We want all Slade pupils to achieve their full academic potential and we believe this is only possible if children attend school regularly and on time.
If your child is absent for any reason it is essential that they school be informed. The absence line number is: 01732 350354. Please remember to call in each day your child is away sick.
Each week in Celebration Assembly, the class with the best attendance wins Attendance Ted and the class with the least amount of late marks wins Punctuality Pup.
The responsibility for ensuring that children attend school regularly and that they are punctual rests with the parent/carers.
If a child is absent, it is the parent/carers responsibility to call the school on each day of the absence as early as possible and stating a reason. The school will then decide whether to authorise the absence.
If contact, explaining the child's absence, fails to be made by parents or carers, then the school will make every attempt to contact the home by telephone, text and/or email on the initial day. Any unexplained absences will be followed up by a home visit and a letter home.
What happens if your child is late?
If your child arrives late (after the gate has closed) he/she must enter via the School Office where your child will be signed in by a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
You or the child will be asked for the reason for late arrival and this will be recorded.
If your child arrives after the close of registration (09:30) they will receive an unauthorised late mark, unless the school accepts the reason provided for lateness.
What does the school do about persistent absent/lateness?
If your child/children are regularly late or absent, the school will write to you. If this does not improve then you will be asked to attend a meeting with the Family Liaison and in some cases a representative from the local authority. A penalty notice may be issued.
What happens if my child has a medical or dental appointment?
Please try to make all appointments out of school hours. If your child has an appointment the school should be given prior notice and medical evidence should be provided. The child's absence may then be authorised. You should collect your child from the school office and sign them out (children cannot leave the school unaccompanied during the school day).
Holidays will only be authorised in term time for exceptional circumstances. For full details please see the school's Attendance Policy by clicking on this link.
If you need to request authorised leave you should write a letter to Mrs Slade at least two weeks before the first day of intended absence to explain why the leave is requested. You will then meet with Mrs Slade to discuss the request. This will be considered by the Governors or the Headteacher on their behalf and the response returned to parents. If the request is refused, a letter will be sent to explain the reason for refusal.
Requests for holiday of more than 10 days must be submitted at least one month before the first day of intended absence and will automatically be referred to the school's Governing Body.
Teachers do not set work for holidays during term time, however, we do expect parents to hear children read and for the pupil to write a daily diary.
Without this approval, the absence is unauthorised.