Breakfast and After School Club (Yeti's)
Our wraparound care also known as 'Yeti's' is available for the children of Slade Primary School before the start and after the finish of the school day. Yeti's is based in our Small Hall in Deacon House and the children are looked after by members of the Slade team.
Breakfast Club
The morning session is available from 07:30 - 08:40 daily with a breakfast of cereal and fruit provided. The charge for the morning session from 1 September 2024 is £5.00 per child.
After School Club
Our After School Club runs with two sessions:
Session 1 - 15:30 - 16:30
Session 2 - 16:30 - 17:30
The club closes at 17:30
Session 1 only is booked for children who require the provision for the first hour only with collection at anytime until 16:30. The price for this session from 1 September is £5.00.
Session 2 only is booked for children who attend an After School Activity ( for the first hour after school. The Activity leader will ensure that the children booked into Session 2 are taken to Yeti's and they will be collected at anytime until 17:30. The cost of this session from 1 September is £5.00.
Session 1 and 2 are both booked if the child requires Yeti's provision for the period after school, extending past 16:30, with collection at anytime until 17:30.
The capacity of each Yeti's Session (Breakfast, After School 1 and After School 2) is 40 children.
Paying and Booking Yeti's Sessions
Yeti's Wraparound Sessions are paid for and booked on Arbor.
Before booking sessions for our Yeti's Wraparound provision, you must first log in to your Arbor account and make sure that there are funds in the Wraparound Care section.
You do this by going to:
• Accounts - Wraparound Care - Top Up Account (Green Button)
Sessions will not be able to be booked without funds being in the account.
Using Government Tax Free Childcare Voucher system (National Savings)
If you go to it will take you through the steps to register. You choose Slade School with Hearing Impairment Unit (886/2155) and then the payments will come through to the school bank account.
Once you are registered, you transfer the payments to them, it is topped up and then arrives in our bank account a few days later. To avoid disappointment, please always make sure this is done well in advance of the booking window opening for the following term (typically a week before the present term ends). This date is always advertised in the school newsletter in advance.
Once we have received the payment into our bank account, the voucher is processed and the credit is added to your account. Please let us know via if you register and what your account reference is so your payments are correctly identified in the bank statement.
Other Childcare Voucher Systems
If you use any other older style voucher system, please contact us directly via with details of the system provider and account number.
To book sessions, you should follow the instructions on the Arbor guide behind this link:
The booking window for each session remains open for parents to book a place (where available) until 2 hours before the session start time.
Cancellations cannot be made via your Arbor App. To make a cancellation, you must complete the cancellation request form using this link: To discourage Block Booking, parents are restricted to 7 cancellation requests per child per term.
Cancellation requests must be made +24 hours in advance of the session start time in order to be successful.
Yetis Staff
Sharon Butrymowicz
Lynn Collins
Sadie Munday
Louise Pearson